Whole Wheat crust Mediterranean Hummus Pizza!
Buy a whole wheat pizza dough. Kids will have fun helping you flour and roll out the crust! Give them little aprons and/or a chef hat. Have the kids choose the vegetables (at least 5 kinds and colors is a must!), be it; different color bell peppers, mushrooms, onions, zucchini, spinach, pineapple chunks, cherry tomatoes (red or golden, golden are sweeter). Have kids help chop the softer vegetables (age appropriate and with a butter knife. My 4 year old loves to chop and peel, with supervision). Once the crust is rolled out and all the veggies are chopped, have kids help spread on hummus, any flavor, to the crust and then sprinkle the veggies on anywhere and everywhere. The hummus not only adds hidden fiber, protein and a delicious flavor change for a pizza, but it’s much less messy than the traditional red sauce! Put in the oven and set a timer (based on instructions on the pizza dough wrapper). Delicious, fun, fresh and healthy for the WHOLE family!